Sunday, February 9, 2014

longboard wind sail (my cost $10)

it was really windy one day and I thought "I really could use a wind sail for my longboard. I looked up the price for one and it was $150 used and $600 new. I don't have that kind of money, I rearly have $50 sitting around. I made it with less than $10, that was for tape and plastic. So It was time to make one. For a week I studied how they are made and looked at what I had sitting around my house. This is what I came up with.

Plastic, tape, broken golf club, crutch,  and an old clothes rack.

With a little creativity I could see what I could use for what. There were a lot of pieces I used from the crutch alone.
         The toughest peace to find was the wind sail mount to the board. a new peace was like $400 (mite as well by a used sail) But then I relised I could just use the rubber stopper on the end of the crutch.

The rubber cap on the board

Rubber cap held on with bolt
           Altogether the project took me 3 hours after I found all the pieces. If you would like to see more leave comments and donate. Thank you for your interest.
Gorilla tape for ends and corners

Rolled the edges to prevent ripping

easy take down and set up

Tape facing out rapped around pulls
so when I tape them on I could slide them out

If I cut the plastic I tape over the spot to
prevent ripping.

I found it to be useless in a city and in any wind less the 20 miles an hour. Best on the salt flats or beach with a lot of wind going one direction. 

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting... are there any production solutions for longboard sails that are already on the market? Or does everyone who wants a sail on a longboard have to retrofit windsurf sails?
