I need help with solving a few kingks in the design. The wires look really ugly and I think a smaller batter would be a good idea. Maybe a battery that everyone could get their hands on a little more easier.
Here is a link to the http://youtu.be/Rw73nTn9VuU
Here are links to all the parts I am using
#1. LED lights http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=LED+light+strips&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ALED+light+strips
#2. Battery http://www.amazon.com/Tenergy-2200mAh-Rechargeable-Battery-Protection/dp/B003BH8GVY/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1384405685&sr=8-19&keywords=lithium+ion+12v+battery+RC
#4. Wire connectors http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__9682__Male_JST_battery_pigtail_10cm_length_10pcs_bag_.html
#6 Charger
All together I have put about $40 into this project and have ran out of funds at this time. I want to know if any one else wants to have something like this. If I find a few people to work with or can support the project I will continue to develop it till I can put it in a kit for everyone who wants one. If you like this idea please support me by donating some cash or time.
Check out the video too.
I had some ideas of what I want it to look like and work like.
Here is a very basic outline of what I have done so far. Please by all means improve my drawing if you want to help. If you have a better way to wire it together I would love to hear about it.